Bread Maker Classic White Loaf
Start your day right with a classic white loaf made in the Morphy Richards Fastbake Breadmaker. This easy recipe allows you to enjoy the delightful aroma of homemade bread filling your kitchen. You'll enjoy fluffy bread with a delightful taste that melts in your mouth, making every bite a dreamy experience.
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 3-4 Hours
Makes: 1 loaf (cut into 10 slices)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp caster sugar or honey
- 350g strong white bread flour
- 1 tsp fast-action dried yeast
Step 1: Start by sprinkling ½ tsp salt into the base of the bread maker's bread pan, then pour over 190ml just-warm water, the oil and sugar or honey. Tip in the flour, but don't mix it into the wet ingredients. Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the yeast. (This is important if you’re using the delay function on your bread maker, as the yeast won’t activate until the mixing starts.) Close the lid.
Step 2: Set the bread maker for a ‘basic’ loaf or similar – the function should include kneading, rising and baking, and take 3-4 hrs. Make sure to use the ‘keep warm’ or crust darkening/colour function, if you have those on your machine. This recipe is suitable for 1.5 lb and 2 lb loaves, though a 1 lb loaf may work on the 1.5 lb setting for certain recipes.
Step 3: Carefully release the bread from the pan and tip onto a wire rack to cool completely. Check that the kneading blade is not still in the base of the bread. Will keep wrapped at room temperature for up to three days.
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What loaf size for the above recipe, please?
Perfect recipe my bread turned out light & fluffy inside, crusty on outside, very nice & tasty. My go to bread recipe from now on. Thanks :)
Do you have instruction book for a fastbake cool breadmaker
Do you have instruction book for a fastbake cool breadmaker
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