Buying an Air Fryer: The Essential Guide

Thinking of buying an air fryer? We don’t blame you if you are; they’re not only the must-have kitchen accessory, but they allow you to make quick, healthy meals. Perfect! But, when it comes to actually buying one, what do you need to know? What should you look for? Keep reading for the answers to these questions and more…
What is an air fryer?
This may seem like a question with an obvious answer, but what exactly is an air fryer?
The first answer is that an air fryer isn’t really a ‘fryer’ - at least not in the traditional sense.
Traditional fryers use cooking oil with which to cook foodstuffs. Air fryers, on the other hand, use heated convected air as the ‘cooking medium’. Hence, the use of the prefix ‘air’ in their name.
So, where did air fryers come from? And, why are they so popular?
Well, let’s start with a bit of a history lesson.
Whilst traditional convection ovens have been around since the mid-1940s, modern air fryers can trace their roots to 2005 when Dutch inventor Fred van der Weij (and his product development company APDS) created what we now call an air fryer.
The first commercially-available air fryers can trace their roots to 2010 when electronics giant Philips introduced an air fryer.
Today, a whole host of brands (including Morphy Richards! ✋) offer air fryers with a dizzying array of different features and tech. Don’t worry, we’ll cover these features shortly!
So, to answer the second point, why are air fryers so popular?
There are two parts to this answer; health and convenience.
Firstly, health. Because - as we’ll see later - air fryers require little to no oil, they can cook food in a healthier way (compared to traditional frying). As one study from 2015 demonstrated, food cooked using an air fryer can be substantially lower in fat (we’ll explore why this is shortly).
Secondly, convenience. Air fryers - like the Morphy Richards Manual 3 Litre Air Fryer - can cook up a portion of fresh chips in only 30 minutes. And, if you fancy cooking some chicken, it can be ready in as little as 25 minutes. Given how time-poor everyone is these days, it’s clear to see why air fryers have become the convenient way of cooking food!

Are air fryers healthy?
As we mentioned above, air fryers are certainly a healthy way of cooking many different types of food.
But, why is this exactly?
It boils (if you’ll excuse the pun) down to the way in which air fryers cook food.
In a traditional fryer (or indeed in a frying pan), you have to use plenty of cooking oil to cook many foods. Because many hydrogenated vegetable oils are high in ‘trans fats’ they can - over time - raise the levels of LDL cholesterol (that’s the bad type of cholesterol) in your blood. If you consume enough trans fats over a long enough timeline, you can elevate your chances of experiencing heart disease and related conditions.
Air fryers, on the other hand, minimise the amount of cooking oil you require. That’s because of the way air fryers cook food.
When you place food in an air fryer (with only a drop of oil), the cooking cycle will circulate hot, convected air around the piece of food. As it does this, the hot air picks up the oil creating, in effect, a ‘mist’. When it comes to foods like chips, this hot air containing oil droplets will dehydrate the chips, giving them a crispy, tasty, finish - but with substantially lower levels of fat absorbed by the chips.
Think of it this way - it’s not the food that’s healthier, but the cooking method.
A note on acrylamide
The need to use little to no oil isn’t the only health benefit associated with air fryers.
Recent studies have found that foods cooked in air fryers can contain 90% lower levels of acrylamide compared to foods cooked in traditional fryers.
Acrylamide is a chemical that forms in starchy foods (like chips) when they are cooked at high temperatures. It forms due to what’s known as the ‘Maillard Reaction’. This reaction centres on the reaction between amino acids and sugars in elevated temperatures.
Interestingly, it’s this Maillard Reaction that causes your chips to turn golden brown.
So, what’s the problem? Unfortunately, acrylamide is considered by many scientists to be a carcinogen.
Thus, if you want to avoid acrylamide, but still want to enjoy crisp, fried foods, get yourself an air fryer!
How do air fryers work?
We’ve lightly touched on this, but let’s go into more detail. How, exactly, do air fryers work?
Put simply, air fryers work on the basis of convection and radiation. Whilst every model of air fryer is slightly different, the general basis on which air fryers work is as follows:
A heating element radiates intense heat into the cooking basket.
A fan (which is usually located in the base of the air fryer) then circulates this hot air around the foodstuff.
This results in an intense heat transfer, thoroughly cooking the food until it achieves that classic ‘crispiness’ that’s associated with traditional deep fat frying (albeit, much healthier!). Depending on the exact model you buy, the temperatures generated by an air fryer can be as much as 200ºC or more.
- This cooking method was named Radiant UpStream Heating (RUSH) by APDS - the company that originally invented the modern air fryer.
And, that’s pretty much it! As you can see, air fryers are surprisingly simple appliances. In the way they operate, they are in fact much closer to the traditional convection oven that you have in your kitchen - but in a compact, convenient form.
Because of the way they cook foods, air fryers can actually cook foods in a number of ways. With your average air fryer, it’s possible to:
- Bake.
- Roast.
- Grill.
So, air fryers can be used to cook a really wide variety of foods, from baked goods to chips, and fish to chicken. Now, you can see why they’re so popular!
Do you need to use oil in an air fryer?
If it has ‘fryer’ in its name, then surely you need to use oil in an air fryer?
Not so!
It all depends on what it is that you’re cooking. If you’re cooking something ‘dry’ like chips, then they will benefit from a dab of oil. But, we do really mean only a dab.

However, if you’re cooking something that is naturally ‘juicy’ (think meat), then the naturally-occurring juices will typically be enough for the air fryer cooking process.
In other words, you typically don’t need to use oil in an air fryer, unless you’re cooking something ‘dry’.
It’s for this reason that air fryers are considered so healthy!
How much do air fryers cost?
Air fryers are very much an in-demand home appliance. But, does that mean they have to cost a fortune?!
Absolutely not! It’s now possible to buy an air fryer from as little as £80 for a manual version. If you want to go for a larger, dual basket digital air fryer then expect to pay around the £150 mark or more.
What are the benefits of air fryers?
So far so good. But, is investing in an air fryer really worth it? Our answer is an emphatic YES. Below are just a few of the main benefits of buying an air fryer:
Supports a healthy lifestyle
As we’ve seen, air fryers can help you cook in a healthier way, reducing the amount of oil you need to use in your recipes.
But, the sheer convenience of cooking with an air fryer means it also supports a healthy lifestyle more broadly. The sheer simplicity of being able to chuck in some meat and veg into an air fryer, frees up time for other healthy activities like workouts.
Look for air fryers on social media and you’ll see what we mean. Air fryers can be found in the kitchens of fitness influencers, pro-athletes, and other health-conscious people.
It’s a simple fact that air fryers are very safe appliances to cook with - especially when you compare them to things like deep fat fryers.
Air fryers are also packed with safety features such as auto-lock lids, cut-off features and more.
As a result, air fryers are one of the safest types of kitchen appliances you can buy and use.
Reduction of food waste
Air fryers offer a perfect way of using up leftovers - thus minimising the amount of food waste you generate.
Because air fryers allow you to grill, bake and roast, there are very few foodstuffs you won’t be able to cook in them.
Tip - want some air fryer recipe inspiration? Check out our latest air fryer recipes now.
Easy to clean
Who wants to spend time scrubbing away at pots, pans and oven trays? Not us! And we’re sure you’ll be in agreement.
That’s why so many people love air fryers. They’re just so easy to clean. Simply remove the cooking baskets and pop them in the dishwasher/sink and after a quick wash they’re good to go again. It’s so easy!
Minimal heat and odour spread
The scent of freshly cooked food can be wonderful - especially when you’re hungry. But, most people don’t really want it to linger.
That’s one of the benefits of air fryers. Because they are compact, enclosed appliances they can prevent the spread of odours in the first place. Also, because they’re well-insulated, air fryers won’t spread heat - unnecessarily heating up your kitchen.
Crispy, crunchy food
Perhaps the most well-known and touted benefit of air fryers is their ability to give foods like chicken wings and thighs a crispy, crunchy texture.
And, they allow you to achieve that delicious mouthfeel without the unhealthy amount of oils required by deep-frying. Win, win!
Air fryer buying considerations
So, you’ve decided to take the leap and join the world of air fryer cooking. What do you need to look for to ensure you end up with the very best air fryer for your needs?
To help you pick your perfect air fryer, the Morphy Richards team has set out their top buying considerations below.
Manual or digital air fryer?
This is arguably the biggest decision you’ll have to make when buying an air fryer.
But, what’s the difference?
Manual air fryers
A manual air fryer is one that allows you to manually adjust the temperature and cooking time of the fryer. They also allow you to manually stop and start the air fryer.
With that being the case, the controls on a manual air fryer are typically remarkably simple. Take the Morphy Richards Manual 3.5 Litre Air Fryer, for example. Its controls consist of a temperature dial and a cooking time dial. Easy!
Manual air fryers are often more affordable than their digital counterparts. They’re also, by their nature, very robust and long-lasting.
Digital air fryers
So, what about digital air fryers? Well, as their name suggests, they automate much more of the cooking process than their manual siblings.
Digital air fryers typically have a number of preset programs for specific types of food. You can just pop in the specific foodstuff, press the relevant program button and the air fryer will do the rest for you! There’s no need to sit and monitor the air fryer like you would with a manual one.
Digital air fryers will also often have digital displays to convey more information. They also usually let you make precise adjustments to both temperature and time (to a far greater degree than you can with a manual air fryer).
However, as you’d expect, these feature-laden digital air fryers do tend to have a higher price point. But, if price is no problem, go for a digital air fryer.
Tip - here at Morphy Richards you’ll find both manual air fryers and digital air fryers. We have something for everyone!
Air fryer type
Did you know that there are actually different types of air fryer that you can buy? Since their first introduction onto the market, a number of brands have introduced various types. These include:
Basket air fryers - these are the original (and in our opinion) the best type of air fryer. They feature a basket (or two) which pulls out of the front of the air fryer (akin to a drawer). Given that they provide you with one or two baskets in which to place food, you can use them to cook near enough anything.
Paddle air fryers - as the name suggests, paddle air fryers feature a single large paddle which rotates and thus ‘tumbles’ or ‘stirs’ the food that’s being cooked. Whilst this means you don’t have to worry about giving the food within an occasional ‘shake’ during cooking, it does limit what foodstuffs you can cook.
- Rotisserie air fryers - these are a type of air fryer that features a steadily turning spit. This allows you to cook things like rotisserie chicken - but, as you can imagine - the spit limits the type of foods which can be cooked.
Here at Morphy Richards we believe that basket air fryers are the original and best type of air fryer. That’s why our air fryer range is packed with them! You’ll also find dual basket air fryers, which are perfect for cooking a complete meal in one go.
Another important factor when buying an air fryer is its capacity. You want to be able to cook enough food to feed your friends/family after all.
The table below sets out the typical air fryer capacities, along with the number of servings that equates to:
Capacity |
Servings |
3 litres |
4 servings |
3.5 litres |
5 servings |
4 litres |
6 servings |
7 litres |
10-12 servings |
Note - these capacity and serving comparisons are only approximate and will vary depending on the air fryer and foodstuffs being cooked.
Here at Morphy Richards you’ll find air fryers of varying capacities, ranging from a compact three litres, up to a frankly huge seven litres!
Single or dual basket?
If you’re buying a basket air fryer - then you’ll want to decide whether you want a single or dual basket model.
By basket, we’re referring to the compartment in which you place the food. The majority of air fryers have a single basket - meaning you can only cook one type of food at once.
However, if you are going to be cooking larger volumes, or want to cook two different types of food at once, you’ll want a dual basket air fryer.
If you’re going to buy a dual basket air fryer, then there are some important characteristics and features to look for:
Can each basket be operated independently? For example, is it possible to set different temperatures and cooking durations for each basket? This is especially important if you’re cooking two very different types of food.
- Conversely, is it possible to synchronise the ending of each basket’s cooking cycle? This can be useful if you’re cooking large volumes of a single type of food (e.g. each basket is being used to cook chips).
Note - if you want a dual basket air fryer that meets the above criteria, check out the Morphy Richards Digital Dual Basket 7.2 Litre Air Fryer. Both baskets can be used independently, but they can also be synchronised to end their cooking cycles at the same time.
Dishwasher safe and non-stick
Although air fryers are certainly cleaner than appliances such as deep fat fryers, they are still susceptible to a build-up of grease and crumbs after use.
If you want to make your life easier (and, who doesn’t?!). You’ll want to buy an air fryer which has dishwasher safe cooking baskets. That way, once you’ve finished cooking, you can just dump them in the dishwasher and let it take care of the cleaning.
Note - here at Morphy Richards many of our air fryers feature dishwasher-safe cooking baskets. Check the individual product description for more information.
Another important - and related point to look for - is whether the inside coating of the air fryer’s cooking basket is non-stick. Firstly, this will ensure that the cooking basket is less likely to accrue stuck on food in the first place. Secondly, it’ll make cleaning the basket much easier.
Power and cooking performance
One of the key benefits of air fryers is that they are able to cook foods quickly. So, it’s important you buy an air fryer which has sufficient power and is able to cook within a decent temperature range.
Here at Morphy Richards you’ll find air fryers with a powerful 1300W motor which is able to generate temperatures in the range of 160-220ºC - that’s more than enough for nearly any foodstuff.
Energy efficiency
Energy bills seem to be taking up an ever larger share of the household budget. Thus, even when it comes to something as seemingly minor as an air fryer, it’s worth checking out how energy efficient they are.
Should you buy an air fryer with a power range of between 800W to 2,000W then you’ll find that using it for around 30 minutes will only cost you a few pence.
To provide further context, research conducted by Utilita found that regularly using an air fryer could only cost you a mere £50 per year. This becomes even more attractive when you consider that the same research suggests that a traditional convection oven will typically cost you around £300 per year to use on a regular basis.
In other words, an air fryer is a much more energy efficient form of cooking!
Guide - want to know more? Read our guide to air fryers and energy efficiency now.
When buying an air fryer (or any home appliance for that matter), it’s a good idea to check the warranty (if any) it comes with.
At Morphy Richards, all our air fryers come with a two-year warranty. Even better, if you register your air fryer with us, you’ll get an extra year of warranty for free.
That’s a better warranty than many of the other leading air fryer brands!
Safety features
Safety is always key in the kitchen. Although air fryers are compact, self-contained, and safe appliances, it can be a good idea to ensure that your chosen air fryer has the safety features you’d expect.
These safety features include:
- Non-slip feet.
- Automatic shut-off.
- Cool-touch exterior.
- Locking lids/cooking baskets.
With features like these you’ll be able to operate your air fryer safely every time.
Given that air fryers have become so popular, more brands than ever have hopped on the bandwagon and started to produce air fryers.
But, as you’ll almost certainly be aware, not all brands are created equal!
Naturally, we’re going to recommend that you buy a Morphy Richards air fryer over any other brand. But, then we have been around since the 1930s and are one of the most well-recognised and trusted brands in the UK.
Look out for bundles!
One of the best things you can do when buying an air fryer is to look out for bundle deals.
Some brands bundle their air fryers with other small kitchen appliances such as kettles and toasters. With bundles like these, you’ll be getting a better overall saving than if you were to buy each item individually.
And, as you’d probably expect here at Morphy Richards we have some fantastic air fryer bundles that include our timeless kettles and ever popular toasters.
Ease of use
Another point to check when buying an air fryer is how user-friendly it is. After all, if it’s too complicated you’re unlikely to use it on a regular basis.
This is where the real benefit of digital air fryers really shines through. With digital air fryers you can simply ‘select and forget’ - using preset programs to automatically cook food for you. It couldn’t be easier!
Make room for a Morphy Richards air fryer
If it’s time for an air fryer, then it’s time to shop at Morphy Richards!
Our range of high-quality air fryers includes both manual and digital models, and single basket and dual basket air fryers.
But direct from us and not only can you benefit from an additional year of warranty cover (when you register your purchase with us), but you can spread the cost of your new air fryer with our flexible payment options. With Klarna Pay in 3, you can pay across three, interest-free instalments. Perfect!
Looking for more than just an air fryer? Then check out our kettle, toaster, and air fryer bundles that can save up to 25% off!
Shop air fryers at Morphy Richards now
For more home appliance buying guides, inspiration and recipes, explore the Morphy Richards blog…
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