Easy Homemade Fakeaways With A Deep Fat Fryer
1. Steak and Chips

This steak and chips recipe is incredibly easy to make with the Morphy Richards 3L Filter Pro Deep Fat Fryer. The fryer ensures that you get the ultimate crispy chips every time, making it a breeze to prepare a delicious homemade meal. With minimal effort, you can enjoy this meal that is so tasty and quick to whip up!
600g fresh chips
Oil for frying
2 8oz beef steaks
2 handfuls mixed leaves
Dressing of your choice, to serve
For the butter
50g butter softened
small handful parsley leaves, finely chopped
1 small garlic clove minced (optional)
small squeeze lemon juice
Step 1: Preheat your deep fat fryer to 190 degrees, this will take 13 minutes to reach the temperature. Look out for the blue light as it heats up, and then when it has reached its set temperature the green light will signal.
Step 2: Once the deep fat fryer is preheated to 190 degrees, pour all the chips into the basket and then lower the basket into the oil and cook for 10-12 minutes. Do not put the chips in the basket while the basket is sitting in the oil otherwise the hot oil will splash.
Step 3: While the chips are cooking away it’s time to make the butter. Start by mashing all the ingredients together with a large amount of cracked black pepper. Place the butter in the fridge to harden.
Step 4: Heat the pan until it is smoking hot, season the steaks generously with salt and pepper and rub them with a drizzle of oil. The cooking times will be different depending on the cut and thickness of your steak, but for a 2cm thick steak, fry for 2 minutes per side for rare. Seconds before taking them off the heat, place your butter on top and let it melt into the steaks.
Step 5: When the chips are finished cooking and are golden, lift the basket out of the oil and place them onto a plate with absorbent kitchen paper. Then, plate up your steak, crispy chips, mixed leaf salad, and a drizzle of zesty dressing.
2. Crispy Southern Buttermilk Chicken Wraps

These chicken wraps are mouthwatering when made using the Morphy Richards 3L Filter Pro Deep Fat Fryer. The deep fried chicken comes out incredibly crispy and flavourful, making these wraps a convenient option for a quick meal.
For the Buttermilk Fried Chicken:
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, about 300-350g
480ml buttermilk
5ml hot sauce
190g all-purpose flour
65g cornstarch
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
½ tsp cayenne pepper (optional, for spice)
½ tsp baking powder (for light, crispy texture)
Vegetable oil for deep frying
For the Wraps:
4 large wraps
shredded lettuce
diced tomatoes
shredded cheddar cheese
red onion, thinly sliced
Step 1: Grab a bowl and mix together the hot sauce and buttermilk. Add the chicken strips and cover them for at least one hour in the fridge.
Step 2: In a separate bowl, take the flour, cornstarch, salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne, garlic powder, and baking powder and mix together. Then, remove the chicken from the buttermilk and generously coat into the flour mixture. Press a lot of pressure onto the chicken so you get that crispy coating.
Step 3: Preheat the deep fat fryer to 170 degrees, this will take 10 minutes to reach the set temperature. Once the appliance has reached its set temperature, place all the chicken into the basket and lower the basket into the oil to fry away, this will take 15-20 minutes if you use small to medium sized chicken or it will take 20-30 minutes if you use large sized chicken.
Step 4: When the chicken is done and is golden and crispy, lift the basket out of the oil and place the chicken onto a plate with absorbent kitchen paper.
Step 5: Take your wraps and warm them up if you prefer them warm. Spread a layer of sauce of your choice onto each wrap. Add the cheese, then lettuce, sliced tomatoes, pickles, and red onion. Next, place the chicken strips on top and fold the wrap and serve!
3. Crispy Deep-Fried Plaice And Wedges
This recipe is super easy to make and very tasty when using the Morphy Richards 3L Filter Pro Deep Fat Fryer. Cooking plaice fillet in the fryer ensures that it comes out perfectly golden and crispy on the outside while staying tender inside. When paired with golden, fluffy wedges, this meal becomes a delightful meal that is quick to prepare while being full of flavour.
150g frozen plaice fillets
120g all-purpose flour
1 tsp salt
½ tsp black pepper
½ tsp garlic powder
½ tsp smoked paprika
1 egg
120ml milk or water
150g breadcrumbs
Oil for deep frying
Wedges, for serving
Tartar sauce, optional
Step 1: In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt, pepper, paprika, and garlic powder. In a separate bowl, beat the egg and milk together. Place the breadcrumbs in a separate bowl.
Step 2: Generously coat each plaice fillet into the flour mixture and then dip into the egg mixture. Press the fillet into the breadcrumbs, ensuring the whole fillet is evenly coated.
Step 3: Preheat the deep fat fryer to 190 degrees, this will take 13 minutes to heat up. Place your fillet into the basket and drop the basket into the oil and let it cook for 5-6 minutes until crispy. When the fillet is done, lift the basket out of the oil and place onto a plate with absorbent kitchen paper.
Step 4: Serve with wedges and a side of tartar sauce and enjoy!
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